​​Why Religious Education?
To encourage the disciplined study of The Gospels (including texts, history traditions, beliefs, practices and philosophy)
To introduce students to the ways in which scholars approach The Gospels and to develop students’ interest in, and critical awareness of, the religious significance of the Gospel.
To show the importance, for religious studies, of the cultural, historical and social background to each Gospel.
To introduce students to some of the key issues in religion which are of perennial interest and of present-day concern.
To widen the knowledge of diverse approaches to received tradition, beliefs and practices.

Some of the religions of the world and their percentages.

The Bible is the most important book in the life a Christians because it is God's Word to us. We receive the message in faith. We need the Bible because God's Word is true and what he promises will certainly be fulfilled. It carried meaning then and it carries meaning for us today as well. It brings order to life and shows us what is right and good.

Religions of the world and their symbols

Some of the religions of the world and their percentages.